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Figuring out all the ins and outs of interior design marketing is not an easy task for designers and home decor brands. How to start promoting a new business? How to stand out among competitors and attract more prospects? These and many other questions arise as soon as one wants to go up in the industry. Fiona Mostyn, the CEO of My Deco Marketing, is here to provide digital marketing solutions to interior designers and help them enhance their business development.

Social media, blogging, PR, influencer marketing — Fiona Mostyn is an expert in all these fields that are vital for any interior designer today. But what’s even more important, she values the personality and individual approach of each professional. She believes it to be the essence of modern marketing strategies. 

Fiona has previously worked as a marketer in finances, technology, and other sectors. And she has always loved renovating her homes. Finally, she decided to combine her work experience with her passion for home design. That’s how My Deco Marketing was established in Lewes, East Sussex, UK. 

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Today, Fiona Mostyn is one of the top social media marketing experts in the interior design and decor industry. As an architectural rendering company that helps many design experts create promo materials, we couldn’t miss a chance to get an insight into the designer’s world of digital marketing and social media presence. Don’t want to miss out on such a treat too? Read on!

#1. How did you get interested in the interior design and home decor industries?

I’ve always worked in marketing. In spite of having been to art school, my career started in technology then moved to financial services. Then, I worked part-time in businesses that were more lifestyle-focused than my previous B2B roles. I really enjoyed it! Whilst renovating my own homes, I started to think that interior design and decor would be an industry I’d love to get more involved in.

#2. Can you name the main benefits of using My Deco Marketing services for interior designers?

Fiona Mostyn Blog

There are many marketing agencies out there, however, using an agency that specializes in your industry is always a wise move. Our specialist understanding of how designers work and the steps they go through to build their customer base and client relationships. This knowledge helps us translate technology and marketing strategies into effective campaigns to connect them with their ideal clients. As well as this, our clients love that we are able to build valuable collaborations between them and other industry partners.

#3. What digital marketing channels do interior designers need to pay the most attention to?

I always advise working backward on this one. Firstly, you need to work out where your ideal client is spending their time in the digital world and then making a plan to utilize those channels to reach them. It is important to build up your own digital presence through your website and blog. Remember that 99% of people go to Google to find something they want in their life, so make sure you’re visible there.

Social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are also important channels for interior designers to utilize. They’ll help you to build up your profile and connect with your community and potential clients. Sharing your blog content on social media can help you position yourself as an authority in your local community or in your specialist niche as a designer.

Remember that 99% of people go to Google to find something they want in their life, so make sure you’re visible there.

#4. Are offline marketing channels still important for interior designers?

Appearing in magazines is always good for your brand awareness. A national interiors magazine is great kudos for your brand. Magazines focused on events in your region will help you build on your local presence. As the world comes out of the pandemic and is ready to connect again, little details like printed materials that were almost forgotten all about over the past year, such as business cards, flyers and postcards, can also enhance your visibility and keep you in the mind of your potential clients. 

#5. What type of content gets the most attention from the designers’ audience on social media nowadays?

A Talk with Fiona Mostyn

People come to social media to be informed, inspired and entertained. I find the best accounts will always inject some personality into their posting. Simply posting endless images of your portfolio quickly becomes unsustainable. Whilst high-quality photography is a must, Instagram also gives us the opportunity to share so much more of how designers work, what inspires them as well as the opportunity to truly connect with their audience. Using behind-the-scenes content on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn Stories as well as appearing on camera and talking to your audience directly get a lot of attention.

Designers need to get behind using video in their social media.

#6. What are the newest trends in interior design marketing?

Designers need to get behind using video in their social media. Every social media algorithm currently prioritizes video as a format. Take a leaf out of the design influencer’s playbook and share lots of video content on Instagram — entertaining reels and informative interviews on IGTV are great for your visibility. We’re also seeing great results with video on Pinterest.

Take your design presentation to a new level with interior rendering

#7. What tools can be used to quickly boost an interior design business?

There’s always a trade-off in any business between investing time and investing money. I’m afraid there’s no shortcut to the first step which is to invest in high-quality visuals in order to build a well-designed website and content that makes your business look amazing. Social media channels are free to use, however, it does take time to build up your presence and engage a following. Similarly, blogging will build your visibility but SEO can take time to take effect. The quick boost is to invest in paid media which will bring targeted visitors to your business almost immediately.

#8. Do your clients use 3D visualization for interior design projects? In your opinion, can 3D visuals also be useful for their marketing campaigns?

Interior Design Marketing Interview with Fiona Mostyn

Yes, we have several clients who use realistic 3D visualization for their interior design projects. It is a great investment that helps their clients make confident decisions. We also regularly use visuals in marketing campaigns. In blogs, for example, we showcase a project from start to finish. CGI can help potential clients understand the process of working with the designer as well and how their renovation project will progress through the different stages. We also use it on social media. Showing a before and after where the visual looks exactly like the finished room can be a real scroll stopper on Instagram!

Your individuality is a huge asset in this industry. Be true to yourself and find your niche.

#9. Can you give advice to aspiring interior designers on how to outshine more well-known competitors?

The thing I love about working with interior designers is that no two are the same. Your individuality is a huge asset in this industry. Be true to yourself and find your niche. Think hard about who your ideal client is and work on how to connect with them. Also, remember that you will get back what you put out there into the world. If you want to work on a particular type of home, in a particular area, or with a certain type of client, start focusing on those homes on social media and your blog, so that people know you are here and ready to help.

My Deco Marketing CEO, Fiona Mostyn

We’re grateful to Fiona Mostyn for this insightful and motivating talk. And we hope it helped our readers find answers to some burning questions about promoting their businesses. Stay tuned for more interviews with leading experts in architecture and interior design marketing! 

Need jaw-dropping visuals for your project presentations and marketing campaigns? Contact ArchiCGI team and see for yourself what new heights you can achieve with photorealistic 3D rendering services as your weapon!

Valerie Adams
Blog Writer

Valerie is an editor and content writer. She used to work on news and entertainment TV channels and in a fashion & design magazine. In her spare time, she enjoys visiting foreign countries, art events, film and street dancing festivals.