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Interior design marketing is a subtle art that is supposed to conjure new clients, educate potential ones, and build brand loyalty. But achieving that is a challenging task. Sometimes, it’s as though everybody else knew some magic trick, and you didn’t.

You’re opening your company Facebook group – 0 new messages! And when you look through your accounts on Behance, Pinterest, and Houzz, you see the same picture. What can be improved? No. What should be improved so that your company starts attracting subscribers through your social media accounts? Maybe there’s nothing else to do, or maybe it’s better to focus the efforts elsewhere.

Imagine now that every day you open the Facebook page, there are new subscriptions. Your projects and posts get lots of shares, likes, and reposts. Under each of your publications, there is a lengthy discussion – about the interior design style, whether someone wants something similar in his house or considers it beautiful but impractical. The Facebook Messenger is full of questions. Your projects are a massive success on Instagram, Pinterest, and Houzz.

The task is realistic. This kind of interior design marketing requires strategic planning, some very specific measures, and constant implementation. So, are you willing to do that and see the sales increase? Read on to find out 5 tips to boost sales.

#1. Make Sure You Address The Right Audience

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“Well, that’s obvious, isn’t it?” – you might think. Far from it, actually. If you address the wrong audience, all your marketing efforts and investments will go to waste. You might even have lots of likes and shares but no new clients.

What does it involve? Successfully “addressing the right audience” means:

  • You know your Customer perfectly well.
  • Your interior design brand is present in all social networks the client is in. Don’t try to be everywhere – that’s useless. If your ideal customer can be found on Facebook and Behance, concentrate your efforts there.
  • Your interior design company has found the right Tone of Voice for the client. And you use it in marketing communication – publications, e-mails, and face-to-face communication. It regulates all the details that are crucial to a consistent brand image. For instance, should the style be formal or casual and friendly? What sort of humor is appropriate?
  • You know the audience’s interests and create the content he’ll gladly subscribe to.

#2. Conduct Competitor Analysis

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Study the interior design marketing strategies of your competition in social media. Of course, copying will not lead us to the much-desired sales increase. The task is to adopt and improve these approaches. To do that, answer the following questions:

  • What sort of content do competitors offer? Pay attention to the topics and types of posts.
  • How much advertising does it contain? What does it look like?
  • What kinds of posts generate the most engagement?
  • What time did they choose for publications?
  • What opinion leaders do they work with?

Analyze the 7 best Facebook interior design groups and put all the results in an Excel table. Then, analyze your page the same way. Put the data in the same table and compare. What can you borrow? And what can be improved? The challenge is to make it better than the original version.

Take your design presentation to a new level with interior rendering

#3. Stand Apart From The Competition

A successful Interior Design Marketing strategy requires a clearly defined Unique Selling Proposition. If you don’t have it, answer the questions:

  • Who are your Customers?
  • What sort of problems do you solve?
  • Are there any alternatives to your solution?
  • What is the unique feature of your offer?
  • Why should the client choose you over your competitors?

These questions will help you with positioning. Based on the answers, you can develop unique content that will promote your services.

Then, think about the following. For the killer effect, you need to amaze. And is it really possible to stun the audience of an interior design company with images only?

Spice up the content with 3D tours and animations. Such posts will get many likes, shares, and reposts. Look at this Virtual 3D Tour. Wouldn’t you repost it if you were a client?

#4. Provide Bright Visuals

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Everybody knows that, but few really make it. Yet, for interior design marketing, the quality of images is crucial. Subscribers will form opinions of the company’s services based on the visuals. The imagery in a post should sell, not merely show. They should create a desire to call the company instantly and ask for renovation services!

Your projects should be stunning. And more numerous than those of your competition. With general, detailed, and day and night views.

Where should you take such amount of quality images? Not all the clients will agree to posting photos of their houses. It is easy to fix with 3D. Have plenty of 3D Visualizations done. These can be projects created and realized, created but not realized, as well as the ones made especially for advertising purposes. Such is sure to get noticed. Extra bonus: it’ll make a solid material for a portfolio and a killer advertising company.

#5. Follow The Rule Of 20/80

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Ideally, the advertising material should comprise 20% of the content marketing. Wondering what will be of interest to potential clients of an interior design company? We’ve made for you a list of safe and proven options.

Types Of Posts For An Interior Design Company

  • Before&After: cases to prove the quality of your services
  • “How to” posts: basic, useful, elegant. For instance: “How to decorate your apartment like a professional”
  • Inspiration Boards: create beautiful selections of ready references to inspire the readers. Kill two birds with one stone: post them on Pinterest and publish a link on Facebook
  • Behind the Scenes: take photos during the work process that show the human face of the brand. People relate to real people! Show communication with the customer on the scene or brainstorm at the office. Make the reader feel included
  • Case Studies: showcase your pride – display the result of your work and give expert comments. It is a must for a successful Interior Design Marketing strategy. Post Slides, CGI Renderings, Photos, and 3D Panoramas of your newest projects
  • Holidays and Seasons: write about the latest trends of the season and the ideas on how to implement them. Examples of topics might be “The most stylish spring decor” or  “How to decorate your house for Easter”
  • Celebrity Homes: people are interested in people. And they are particularly into knowing everything about their idols and everything connected to their lives
  • Interior Designs By World’s Top Design Companies: to prove your high standards and impeccable taste
  • Interviews of Opinion Leaders. “What does a TV star-designer think of this fall’s latest trends? Everybody wants to know!”
  • Polls: engage the reader in a dialogue – ask their opinion. It can go something like this: “We created two versions of this Kitchen design for our clients. Which one do you prefer?”.

Can I Do It?

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Want your Interior Design Marketing strategy on social media to pay off? Plan ahead and invest your time and effort into it. If you work hard, the number of subscribers will increase, and over time the followers will turn into customers.

Moreover, a wise social marketing strategy keeps the existing customers even after the end of the project. Entertaining and valuable content will attract their attention, and at the right moment, they’ll call your interior design firm. Your brand’s name will be the first to come to their minds when a friend or a colleague needs an interior design for their cottage.

Showcase your architectural project like a true work of art, brought to life with cutting-edge AI-powered CGI technology.

To make the content unique and unforgettable, fill it with 3D visualizations. And for high-quality 3D rendering services, contact ArchiCGI. We will present your services at the level of your designs. Your clients will appreciate your extraordinary ideas and the comfort they provide.

Jimmy Ward
Marketing Specialist, Media Buyer

Jimmy is the senior magician of media and stunning ads. He loves a good joke, his beloved dog Mario and craft beer. But don’t be fooled by his smile: Jimmy is ruthless when it comes to lead generation.