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Interior design renderings have the power to make the designer’s work much more productive and satisfying. What’s the key to selling design for a commercial interior project? That’s right: conveying the idea to the audience.

And this is exactly the issue. Commercial interior designers present projects to business owners who speak facts and figures and demand tangible proof. Naturally, they want to see that the design will benefit the profitability. Furthermore, entrepreneurs need to be reassured that they won’t spend more money than needed. Or, much better – see that they will save some. So, the designer must propose some ground-breaking ideas to decrease the cost.

It is a cup of tea for a commercial interior designer. But how can you provide factual information on the project that doesn’t exist yet? And most importantly, is it possible to convey the idea when clients don’t understand drawings and sketches?

It certainly is. Before, those who learned the art of an impactful speech got the contracts. Now, commercial interior designers can use architectural rendering. It allows one to create photoreal images of the projects yet to be built, like offices, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, etc. They allow designers and architects to make their presentations impactful, factual, and easy to understand.

Let’s see what benefits interior design renderings can help you achieve and how.

5 Benefits Commercial Interior Designers Can Achieve With Interior Architectural Rendering

#1. A Competitive Edge

Is there a strong designer competing for the same contract as you? Turn the presentation into your strength. Captivate the audience with fantastic imagery. Take the viewers on a tour around their future restaurant using virtual reality, for instance. Or bring the interior of a hotel suite to life with animation. When the impressed customers ask for more details, show them a selection of interior design renderings with general and detailed views of the space. This way, even a dozen competitors will not make the audience forget your project.

#2. An Alternative Chance To Win

Present two alternative versions of the same project by using interior design visualization. The client will be pleased with the possibility to choose and your level of preparation. It’s a solid advantage: while the competitors barely managed to present one concept, you effectively delivered two strong designs.

#3. Improved Relationship With The Client

When a commercial interior designer and a client understand each other and like the project, they work in harmony. A smooth work process is as important as the result. Such workflow is impossible when each meeting turns into a heated discussion. In this case, interior design rendering services will let both sides understand each other crystal clear.

#4. A Predictable Result

Winning a contract is 50% of success. The next task is to ensure the client knows what they will get and deliver the result they expect. Interior design rendering services will help you be on the same page and prevent the client from thinking that the result differs from what they’ve imagined.

#5. Fast Approval Process Owing To Informative House Visualization

It’s difficult for clients to form a coherent picture based on drawings, sketches, and material samples. Putting this puzzle together without relevant education and experience is tough, but they should understand what they agree to. As a consequence, it takes more time and explaining.

Avoid this situation with architectural renderings. The fact that you take the trouble to clear things out will speak volumes. People like to be treated with respect and are willing to pay money for that kind of service.

Take your design presentation to a new level with interior rendering

How Exactly Interior Design Renderings Help Achieve These Benefits

Architectural renderings enable you to do the following:

#1. Showcase The Advantages Of The Layout

Stunning Interior Design Renderings With A Panoramic Window

3D renders allow the commercial interior designer to present all the chosen layouts in the best light. It is especially valid for renovation cases: a well-planned layout can triple the restaurant’s profit. The business owner will be interested in seeing whether the improvement has that potential and remember your presentation.

The same can be applied to office interior designs as well. For instance, the planning of a conference room influences the atmosphere of negotiations – which translates into money as well. If the space looks inviting and imposing in the interior design renderings, the owner might want to host the next meeting there.

#2. Demonstrate How The Brand Identity Is Reflected Through Interior Design Rendering Services

A commercial interior design is an important part of a brand image. It immerses the guests and clients into its identity and unites the staff in a single spirit. It shows the company values: aesthetic vision, attitude to hierarchy, ideal work environment.

Interior design renderings allow you to show how masterfully the brand identity is integrated into the project. Presenting the customer with a clear vision here is a good idea.

#3. Adopt A Customized Approach

Quality Interior Design Renderings For An Office Dining Room

Commercial interior designers can come up with brilliant ideas to enhance the project’s impact outside the initial technical assignment. For instance, one of the furniture manufacturers happened to make refined baroque furniture, which would look sensational in the project. Why not show it in the interior design renderings?

Another example is an entirely eco-friendly office for a company, which just happens to be the main specialization of the interior designer in question. The project will seem tempting but risky when put in words, sketches, or drawings. Show it with architectural renderings, and you’ll make a point.

#4. Demonstrate How Interior Design Improves Profitability With Interior Architectural Visualization

A Beautiful Gray And Golden Bar In Commercial Interior Design Renderings

What is the most commercially profitable place at a restaurant? That’s right – a bar. A stylish, practical bar that visitors can see from anywhere and can easily access is an asset. Showcase this asset in full glory – and the project will make it to the short-list.

#5. Showcase How Design Meets The Needs Of Clients And The Staff

Realisitic Interior Design Renderings For Restaurant Space Zoning

This should be the base of any commercial design interior presentation. Clients and staff have different, often conflicting demands. Interior design renderings help to show how the designer managed to fulfill all these needs in perfect harmony and with style with minimum words. How the entrance to the restaurant kitchen cannot be seen anywhere in the rooms, yet easy to access for the staff, for instance, and the lounge zone does not interfere with the main area. Instead of words and doubts, designers can use 3D renders.

#6. Convey The Atmosphere

Spectacular Interior Design Renderings For Hotel Restaurant Presentation

Words are eloquent, gestures — persuasive, and drawings are responsible for the facts. Fine, but what about the atmosphere? It is the main point why people come to restaurants, hotels, and nightclubs. They pay for the commodity — to relax, find inspiration, and feel adventurous. How can one transmit it through words and a set of instructions?

Photorealistic interior design renderings are excellent at that. Take a look at the one above – isn’t it gorgeous? Almost as much as the original. It’s only fair that the owners opted for that luxurious and vibrant design.

Besides that, architectural renderings offer even more opportunities. For instance, 3D artists can add models of happy-looking people into the picture. Or show its interior in the evening lighting, for chic restaurants are most visited in the evening light.

As you see, 3D design renderings make communication more productive and effective. They help designers win contracts, establish good relations with the client, and build customer loyalty.

Want to learn how much your project costs? See how we evaluate 3D rendering projects

See our pricing

ArchiCGI High-End 3D Rendering Services Price List

For quality 3D rendering services, contact ArchiCGI. We’ll bring your amazing concepts to life and turn them into beautiful stories. Just contact us through the form on our site, and our Project Manager will reach out shortly. If you wish to learn more about interior design renderings, rendering prices, and terms and conditions – don’t hesitate to ask them.

Irma Prus
Content Writer, Copywriter

Irma writes articles and marketing copy for ArchiCGI. Her dream is that more people discover the power of CGI for architecture. Irma is into neuromarketing, ruby chocolate and Doctor Who series.