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It happens that interior designers and architects spend hours trying to explain a design idea to a client. Is it the only way to reach a mutual understanding? Not at all. There are more effective and time-saving tools to communicate a concept, and the best one is photorealistic rendering.

Nowadays, 3D visualization and 3D modeling allow to convey not only the look, but the “feel” of the designed space. In this case, photorealistic rendering is truly worth a thousand words! This means that your work can be so much easier. For customers can’t always understand the plans, no matter how accurate they are. That’s okay: after all, they aren’t design professionals. But what should you do? A simple thing: show them a photorealistic render.

Now, how to do that? Sure, big companies can afford hiring 3D artists who would create 3D models for their designs in-house. However, smaller companies usually hesitate to change their usual approach. Especially considering that professional 3D software with all relevant plugins and libraries isn’t cheap. But not only does it cost a lot, but it also requires time and effort to master. There’s, of course, free software as well. But the results won’t be as good as photorealistic imagery made with professional programs.

CG Rendering for a Living Room Design Presentation

This way, 3D visualization, performed by outsource professionals, is way more affordable and simple. And this investment more than returns by helping designers and customers to be on the same page. There are several reasons for that, let’s find them out.

Why photorealistic renderings improves projects workflow

  1. It is easier to convince your client. As it was mentioned, you can spend lots of time describing all of the amazing qualities of your design, all to no avail. There’s no guarantee that the customer would understand what you’re talking about. Better show him the photorealistic rendering created by 3D visualization services! Its high quality and accuracy will help the client see everything clearly.
  1. You can instantly choose and agree upon the furniture. Professional CGI studios usually have 3D models database, e.g. ArchiCGI has over 500 000 examples of real furniture that can be used for photorealistic 3D interior rendering of your projects. As a result, your customer will know exactly what to expect in real life.
  1. Your design idea can be instantly transferred anywhere in the world. Photorealistic architectural visualization is easy to share – you can send them via Internet directly to your client, and there will be no need for additional meetings.
Lobby photorealistic rendering by ArchiCGI

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ArchiCGI High-End 3D Rendering Services Price List

This way, photorealistic rendering helps forward-thinking, determined interior designers and architects achieve their business goals. To make their work easier, we’ve created a project management system with an integrated 3D model database. Need outstanding imagery for your new projects? Than contact us, and we’ll bring your ideas to life in CGI!

Nataly Cher
Senior Social Media & Email Marketer

Nataly's ambitious nature and creativity play a key role in her ability to create engaging content and highly successful targeted campaigns. Outside of the office, Nataly indulges her love of photography and plays with her joyful Jack Russel terrier, Mario.