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Wonder how to expand your business and attract new customers? Your products are a perfection, why then do you keep losing clients to Industry Giants? Many other small furniture businesses are asking themselves the same questions. The thing is, times are changing. The reason for those irrevocable changes is the advent of new technology.

With the competition more fierce than ever, Market Leaders like IKEA started to think how to improve their services and build better relationships with customers. And what the clients want? They want the shopping experience to be easier, more precise and fun. Naturally, these are the things major companies have been working on. As a result, they’ve come up with some pretty amazing tricks and techniques that win over the customer.

Product Exhibitions with 3D Product Visualization

Good news is that while these technologies are cutting-edge, you can actually profit from the situation. Optimize your workflow with the latest technological advances, just like big companies have done, and benefit from their experience. Instead of giving up, you actually have a chance to join the cream of the crop!

We’ll reveal you the the big secret: the state-of-the-art changes you need to look into are based on 3D Product Visualization.

Let’s discover what exactly the Market Giants do to boost their performance.

Chair Models with 3D Product Visualization

Presenting the Product at Trade Fairs and Exhibitions

How to promote one’s products, especially if you are working in B2B? By showcasing them on Trade Fairs and Exhibitions. It’s there that businesses look for lucrative partnerships and new ways of development. On the other hand, one needs to stand out there, with all competition around. Both offer and its presentation need to be on the highest level possible. There is a number of ways to proceed:

  1. Get amazing handout materials with 3D – brochures, catalogs and stands. Get 3D Modeling Services to make them strikingly real and impactful. Besides, getting 3D models of products is cheaper and faster than going through the fuss with professional photoshoots.  As for the 3D exhibitions stands – they work miracles. They are stylish, impactful and can convey your brand image way better.

You are totally committed to standing out and gaining the best offers and partnerships? Then you need to go even further.

  1.  Get 3D Animation of your product. Use 3D Product Visualization to show potential customers how amazing the furniture will look in the interior design, what it looks like in real life – and you’ll get crowd’s attention. Now people are ready to listen to you.
  2. Use VR to show the customers around in a virtual room furnished with your products. All you need to do for that is to get 3D Custom Modeling Services for the product you wish to showcase and have them turned into an immersive experience. And the impact it makes is second to none! Besides, you’ll automatically get additional credibility for investing into new technologies. That always works much better than just saying that your business is successful.
Killer Advertising Campaign with 3D Product Visualization

Getting a Powerful Advertising Campaign

So, the product is impeccable, and you need to promote it through effective advertising campaign. Naturally, you wish to reach out to as wide target audience as possible, and get a massive response. The usual solution for that is professional photoshoots and videos, which are rather expensive and time-consuming. How does one decrease the cost of marketing materials and speed up the time of their creation?

3D Product Visualization offers a lot more opportunities. To begin with, 3D advertising solutions are cheaper and the level of quality is better. Furthermore, unlike usual photos, Custom 3D Modeling Services allow to show unusual camera angles, cutouts, different options available etc. Now your creative agency can create awesome ads without any limits whatsoever. Besides, you can use 3D Model for any media outlet you wish – magazines,TV, Internet. Furthermore, you may post it on a social network of your choice, Facebook or Twitter, for instance. If your product is innovative and 3D rendering is of a high quality, it may well go viral. Imagine how much money it saves, while reaching out out to a wider audience! It’s bound to boost the sales.

Take your design presentation to a new level with interior rendering

Production Workflow with 3D Product Visualization

More Effective Production Workflow with 3D Product Visualization

So, you are tired of relying on guesswork when launching new products? You want to avoid the stocks fully packed with unsold products? Feel defeated when selling them at huge discounts through dealers? In order to cover at least a part of money spent on production and logistics…

All those unpleasant experiences can be avoided with 3D Product Visualization. Offer your clients a selection of products in different designs and colors. Afterwards, display them on your website and manufacture only the items that are ordered. This way, you build a closer relationship with the customer. He will feel that you care about what exact hue of blue he needs for his sofa.  You get a solid competitive edge (while the idea is still new), and the customer gets its red sofa with green stripes and twelve orange cushions for the dog.

Moreover, you avoid all those hateful financial risks that used to accompany the trade.

3D Product Visualization not only improves your current marketing strategy, but also offers your client a new way to interact with your products.

Interactive Shopping Experience with 3D Product Visualization

Offering Clients Interactive 3D Catalogs

One of the main issues with the online sales is the rate of returns. How often clients make mistakes while choosing the furniture! And when it does not fit, they return it, and the owner has to give back 50-80% of the price. Besides, the client is unhappy: he still needs his sofa, but making a choice with photos on this site was too hard.

3D Product Visualization can remedy this situation. To begin with, you can provide clients with more detailed information using 3D rendering showcasing the object from different angles, as well as 360-degree tours. This will enable the customers to form a fuller picture of the product and you will naturally become their first choice. If you are looking for even more impact, the ultimate tool to reduce the return rates is the AR Catalog. This wonderful application shows the client the exact dimensions of the furniture item relatively to other objects. Moreover, he can customize it: change color, design while looking for perfect solution. The level of accuracy is incredible, the process – innovative and fun, the client – happy. And so are you!

Impress Investors with 3D Product Visualization

Getting Investments You Seek with 3D Product Visualization

The main challenge of making a great pitch is persuading potential investors that the design will generate returns on their investments. And how can one persuade that the idea will work when it’s still an idea? Investors know that even a thousand of  advantages does not guarantee the market success, so they are naturally very careful.

Nevertheless, it is totally possible. There is one thing that investors appreciate and trust – figures. 3D Product Visualization allows to test the product in real market conditions. Start working by pre-orders and find out what works best, then present the audience real facts. Investors will not only listen to your offer, but fight for the opportunity to work with you.

Implement All Your Ideas with 3D Product Visualization

This way, 3D Product Visualization is the ultimate tool to take your business to the next level and give it a competitive edge. Starting to implement tools you’ve just discovered will help to generate more profit and improve the image of the brand. Moreover, you’ll be one of the first – or even first – in the industry to take all the credit for it.

Showcase your architectural project like a true work of art, brought to life with cutting-edge AI-powered CGI technology.

Get quality 3D Solutions with ArchiCGI architectural rendering company. We have an extensive experience in creating photoreal images, 3D tours, walkthroughs for the most wonderful products. Our 3D artists worked on more than 3787 projects, many of which are connected to Visualization and the Product Presentation.

We wish you most innovative and exciting projects!

Irma Prus
Content Writer, Copywriter

Irma writes articles and marketing copy for ArchiCGI. Her dream is that more people discover the power of CGI for architecture. Irma is into neuromarketing, ruby chocolate and Doctor Who series.