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Custom 3D rendering is indispensable for Manufacturers as it allows to solve major problems arising during product development and launch. It eliminates the need for guesswork, makes for stellar advertising materials, and ensures a good return on money invested. Manufacturers and Inventors that use CGI don’t fear that something may go terribly wrong and all the effort will be wasted. For they can predict the outcome with a fair degree of certainty — and safely focus on how to make things happen.

Custom 3D visualization comes handy at every project stage, making it an easier and safer road for all the parties involved. Customers benefit there too: they get just what they need. A win-win! Wonder how rendering services can help you to launch your brand-new product? Take a look at these 5 opportunities.

#1. CGI Allows Weighing Pros And Cons Before Production

Lifestyle 3D Modeling for Gray Chair Design

With the help of custom 3D rendering service, a Manufacturer can evaluate every detail of his creation without producing physical prototypes. This is a beneficial option, especially considering how much resources are needed to create traditional pre-production models. Notably, the latter requires purchasing all materials for producing a full-size prototype and then waiting for a pretty long time until the pilot model is ready. What is more, building one single prototype is never enough. The Manufacturer needs a series of models — first cheaper ones to test functions, and then more expensive prototypes to get a complete impression of usability and look.

Fortunately, custom 3D rendering enables brands to skip all these unnecessary stages. Using CGI, one can get a virtual pre-production prototype. After that, it is possible to refine this prototype step by step by adding new functional and stylistic features. There is no need for real materials since the whole process takes place in the digital space. And, of course, changing an existing 3D render is much faster than producing a new physical object every time the design is changed.

#2. Custom 3D Rendering Helps To Fix Errors At The Start

Custom 3D Modeling Of a Lilac Sofa

Custom 3D rendering allows for eliminating errors before manufacturing. As flawless as the design may seem in theory, it may turn out to be a fiasco in reality. It can happen because a crucial issue went unnoticed at the outset — like a stylish velvet sofa looking too bulky, or the wooden bar counter turning out to be too narrow. Luckily, 3D Artists are capable of creating a digital prototype that allows to see everything in the design phase and to polish raw ideas.

Finding errors on the stage of design with the help of 3D renderings is a great way to fine-tune the final results quickly and for a reasonable price. This way, the brand will launch the best versions of the product from the first time, without the usual “trial and error” scenario.

Take your design presentation to a new level with interior rendering

#3. 3D Modeling Enhances Marketing Campaigns

Lifestyle 3D Rendering of an Elegant Kitchen Furniture

Photoreal 3D custom rendering is a gift in terms of situational marketing. Some time ago, there was only one way to get thematic photos of merchandise for holiday ads — and it was long, slow and expensive. First, the Marketer had to have prototypes manufactured, then buy lots of decorations, book a photo studio and send everything for a photoshoot. Next, he waited until the photographer arranges the scene, adjusts lighting, makes a million pictures and processes them. And finally, the Marketer gets his promo visuals.

But now there is another solution. With the advent of custom 3D rendering, the Manufacturer can just send a smartphone photo of a product and get 3D models for all design options. No photoshoots, decor or transport — everything is done digitally. On top of that, the Marketer can re-use these same digital models for every ad campaign. The 3D Rendering Artist will put these models into a new exterior or interior virtual scene, with new background and decor — and fresh images are ready! Which is way faster, easier, and cheaper than arranging photoshoots for every occasion.

#4. Custom 3D Visualization Allows To Test All Options

Chandelier 3D Custom Visualization

It used to be a tough endeavor to choose the best product version out of many. A brand first had to produce prototypes of all options, then conduct surveys and arrange for focus groups. The choice of a version was based on the opinions collected using those surveys and focus groups. Yet, these efforts did not guarantee market success.

Far from it, actually. The thing is that the decision to buy is mainly emotional. We like to think of ourselves as rational creatures, but that’s not how we work. So when a customer fills in a questionnaire, he answers rationally. But what about emotions? Well, unless a prospect is at the shop confronted to a choice, there is no way of knowing if he’ll buy. Oh wait, there is one: custom 3D rendering.

For CGI allows testing the product by pre-selling it. No prototypes or photos needed: the Marketer just gets 3D renders of all the possible options, posts on the web site, blog or platform and lets clients make pre-orders. As simple as that!

#5. 3D Rendering Helps To Identify Product-Market Fit

3D Custom Modeling Of Elegant Sofa

Product-market fit is the compliance of an offered product with the demands of buyers on a particular market. If the Manufacturer manages to find PMF, he will be rewarded with sales and positive feedback. But if the Marketer fails to do it, the merchandise might be left gathering dust in the storage — because no one needs it. Traditionally, finding PMF meant launching the product and then collecting customers’ recommendations and opinions about it. That was the only way for the Marketer to understand how to improve the design so that the item meets the requirements of the target audience.

Today, custom computer 3D rendering allows finding PMF on the pre-production stage. The process of collecting feedback from customers is now conducted with the help of 3D models instead of real items. Marketers can use still renders and animations to gather opinions on how to refine the offer. As a result, the brand will spend resources on releasing only the best versions of its projects. This will help to lower the quote and to win the appreciation of the customers.

Showcase your architectural project like a true work of art, brought to life with cutting-edge AI-powered CGI technology.

Custom 3D rendering helps to learn everything about the characteristics of a future product and its potential market success. The world`s latest visualization technologies save time and money and prevent both the client and the Manufacturer from disappointment. Basically, CGI technologies help to develop the design, find out what to manufacture, in what numbers and how to improve it. Want to make sure your new designs will be a market hit? Long to free yourself from the prototyping routine and expenses? Contact our architectural 3D visualization company, and we will provide you with 3D models and renders of the highest quality.

Irma Prus
Content Writer, Copywriter

Irma writes articles and marketing copy for ArchiCGI. Her dream is that more people discover the power of CGI for architecture. Irma is into neuromarketing, ruby chocolate and Doctor Who series.