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There is a difference between commercial and residential design. For the former, architects need to cater to the needs of a larger group of people. Rather than trying to meet the requirements of several homeowners, architecture specialists would need to think about the needs of all people who own, visit, and work at designed properties. That is a difficult task even for a seasoned professional. And pitching commercial exteriors to stakeholders is a whole another challenge. That is because oftentimes, potential investors do not have an architectural background. That is why they simply can’t understand drawings. They just want a good-looking, functional project that promises bountiful returns. So, the main task of any commercial exterior presentation is to convince stakeholders that the future property fits all their business goals. If by the end of it the potential investors have even a shadow of a doubt, they won’t risk their resources on an uncertain investment. For this reason, the showcase must absolutely sell the idea, be it a restaurant, an office, a hotel, or any other kind of commercial property. And there’s a tool that can help architects achieve that commercial exterior rendering. Here are 5 reasons architectural 3D visualization is a key to success!

#1. CGI convinces investors in the project’s viability

Commercial Exterior Rendering of a Mountain Resort

Investors are business people first, and architectural clients second. They are more interested in possible profits than in technicalities or stylistic choices. So how can an author of the commercial exterior project convince them? The presentation that sells the idea must ensure that the building fits the viewers’ business goals. And commercial exterior rendering can help do that. 

For instance, let’s take an office building project. The stakeholders know that nobody would want to work in a brutalist concrete box. That’s why their idea is to create an office that people want to work in. And CG visuals will showcase that an architect’s offer is exactly what they are looking for. CGI will show every detail of a modern, eco-friendly design with large windows letting lots of natural light in. Outside there will be an easy to navigate large parking lot, framed by trees and foliage. It will be obvious that employees will feel comfortable working in such a place. And everyone knows that happy workers are more productive. In such a way, a presentation featuring commercial exterior 3D rendering will promise huge returns. This will probably impress even the most skeptical investors, sealing the deal.

#2. Commercial exterior rendering eliminates the need to rely on viewers’ imagination

3D Exterior Visualization of Skyscrapers

The primary challenge of an architectural presentation is to have a visualization of the design. Of course, blueprints and sketches might be informative. But a person without an architecture background would not understand the whole splendor of a project just from them alone. Some architecture specialists use scaled models. But they are expensive and time-consuming to create. Not to mention that they are fragile and inconvenient to transport. 

This is where commercial exterior 3D rendering can give an edge to any architect. CGI presents properties that exist only as concepts thus far exactly the way they would look like when built. So, with 3D rendering, potential investors do not have to rely on their imagination to visualize the outcome of construction. In perfectly photoreal CGI, an office building or a shopping mall can be showcased from all angles. It can be shown in close-ups and panoramic shots to provide a complete view. This way, stakeholders get a clear idea about the design and become more receptive to persuasion.

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#3. CGI exterior renders show that a building will be a perfect match for its location

3D Exterior Visualization of a Restaurant

When it comes to commercial exteriors, the surrounding area matters just as much as the building itself. The context is a powerful atmosphere-establishing tool. A convincing presentation must reflect that, as well as point out how well the property fits its surroundings. Since the buildings in question don’t exist yet, the only way architects can visualize their locations is with commercial exterior 3D rendering. CGI offers a few significant benefits for showcasing the location. 

First, 3D artists can precisely recreate the environment the building is supposed to be constructed. If they use photo-matching technique, they can even “insert” a 3D model of a building into a real-life photo of the location. This will help to achieve incredible realism. Also, CGI for exteriors can demonstrate commercial design at different times of day or seasons. This would paint a more complete picture of the project in the viewers’ minds. For example, an exterior rendering can show a restaurant in the evening. Which will help demonstrate how the lighting system makes the venue more attractive for potential visitors. Finally, commercial exterior rendering might feature contextual elements. These are details that bring the visualization to life. These can be pedestrians walking by, a well-kept garden, cars parked outside. Such seemingly small things give exteriors a believable atmosphere that immerses stakeholders.

#4. 3D visualization showcases the unique advantages of commercial designs

Commercial Exterior 3D Render

No commercial architecture project can be approved if the investors cannot see its valid selling points. Maybe it’s built of eco-friendly materials? Perhaps the building is self-sufficient thanks to the use of advanced solar panels? Or does it feature innovative stylistic solutions? Regardless of what it is, the selling points need to be showcased and their viability needs to be explained. 

Commercial exterior rendering can easily visualize any of the architecture specialists’ ideas in detail and explain them without words. The creative stylistic choices for hotels and other public venues, the functionality of factories and offices, the impact of material choices used for construction everything will be presented in full splendor, understandable without words. There will be no need to justify why the design should be brought to life let CGI visuals convince investors to approve the project!

#5. Exterior 3D visualizations allow for presenting projects remotely

Commercial Exterior Render of a Business Center

Many architects struggle with presenting their works online. Even though there are programs that can help with that, like Skype or Zoom, the lack of visual aid lowers chances of success drastically. Fortunately, commercial exterior rendering is architecture specialists’ saving grace.

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Online presentations can be easily enhanced with CGI visuals, making them just as effective as ones held in real life. The images would have the same impressiveness and would be just as informative. On top of that, it can help in case stakeholders need a little while to consider a building idea. The CG presentation can be saved on their devices and viewed once again offline. This would allow architecture specialists to convince the stakeholders to invest in their projects without having to meet in person. Which saves quite a lot of time!

Commercial exterior rendering makes presentations for investors a piece of cake. CGI visuals demonstrate designs at their best and in great detail. They can feature not just the building but also its context and show how well they work together. 3D rendering can also draw attention to selling points of commercial projects and prove their viability. On top of that, 3D graphics are perfect for holding online design pitches. CGI allows for leaving the viewers with copies of the presented materials in case they want to take a look at them once again to make a decision.

Want to effortlessly sway investors during presentations of architectural designs? Achieve guaranteed success at pitching with top-class 3D exterior rendering services!

Catherine Paul
Content Writer, Editor at ArchiCGI

Catherine is a content writer and editor. In her articles, she explains how CGI is transforming the world of architecture and design. Outside of office, she enjoys yoga, travelling, and watching horrors. 

What is 3D rendering?
3D rendering is a widely used expression, referring to the process of creating CG visuals. As a proper term, however, it means the part of 3D graphics creation during which the 3D scene is turned into a 2D image.
What is better for presentations: CGI images or animation?
It depends on the needs of a project. While the animation is usually more impressive than static visuals, it’s more expensive and takes longer to make than images. As such, CG videos are typically reserved for the designs that promise the most massive returns.
Which is more difficult to make: commercial or residential exteriors?
Commercial and residential designs have different priorities in terms of selling points. But the difficulty is the same. The only thing that affects the complexity of production is its intricacy.
How to further enhance an architectural presentation?
If an architect wants to leave a lasting impression on stakeholders, they should use 3D animation, VR, or AR. It is quite a costly investment but it is worth every penny.