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3D models are of great use in most spheres of human life. For instance, they are indispensable in the entertainment industry, science, as well as business. Small wonder! With the advancement of technology, they increased in variety and got cheaper.

Most noteworthy, 3D is popular not only among large companies with huge investments. What is more, models are also largely used by small family businesses.

Need 3D models for your business? Then you might also need to learn what 3D modeling process is. Knowing its intermediary stages and products will help you to optimize the work process and get better results faster.

However, the incredible variety of 3D models on the market nowadays can be confusing. Especially if you are new to the sphere and need to make the right choice. To help you with figuring it out, we organized this information and created a classification. Let’s find out about CGI materials!

Criterion 1: the Level of Detail

1.Polygonal 3D Models

3D model of this type consists of a certain amount of polygons. The term “polygons” are primitive geometrical shapes with 3 or 4 sides.

1.1. Low-poly

It is created through simplified carcass modeling. Most importantly, low-poly 3D doesn’t transmit detailed information about the object. For instance, it says nothing about the surface structure. The main advantage is that its creation doesn’t require a lot of memory. You can find this kind of 3D models in computer games, applications, and animation.

1.2. High-poly

This type of 3D model is created by a thorough development of surface, texture, with finest details. The main point of 3D modeling of this type is that it helps us to get photorealistic images. However, it requires the pre-rendering of the image. If you wish, you can learn more about our 3D rendering services.

Most noteworthy, cinema and architecture use 3D models of this type.


NURBS stands for Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines. The surface of a NURBS model consists of points connected by a predetermined formula. Importantly, models of this type are more accurate. They are used by engineers, mechanical engineers, and architects.

For better understanding, let’s turn to the difference between raster and vector graphics. This way, polygonal 3D models are raster graphics, while NURBS 3D – vector graphics. You can zoom vector graphics all you want – the lines will remain smooth. However, with raster graphics, that’s not the case.

Criterion 2: Techniques of Prototyping

To create a physical prototype, a high-quality model is required. In addition, it must contain all data about the object: lines, edges, texture, volume, mass.

1. 3D Models for Production on CNC Machine

To begin with, such a machine can produce a 3D model of an object of any complexity. Furthermore, the process is based on milling. That is, the object is cut out according to the 3D model. The method has existed for more than a century! Nowadays, it is used for the creation of jewelry, souvenirs, furniture, and decorative elements, weapons, equipment, etc. Nevertheless, there are limitations: such machines may not work with all materials.

2. 3D Model for 3D Printing

Of course, printing on 3D printers is a new technology. However, it’s becoming more popular day by day. As for the technology, it consists in laying down successive layers of plastic. The best thing about 3D models for 3D printing is that they allow you to print anything! For example, human organs and prostheses, souvenirs, furniture, industrial purpose machines. Just imagine: using a 3D printer, you can even “print” a house or other architectural structures of any complexity.

3D Models for Book Cases Virtual Prototyping

Criterion 3: Type of Objects

You can create a 3D model of almost anything. The sky is the limit! So with 3D being used in different spheres, categories were formed. The most popular ones we presented in the table below.

Category Examples Spheres of application Advantages of the 3D model type 
  • 3D model of existing animals
  • 3D models of extinct animals
  • 3D model of fictional animal
  • Cinema
  • Computer games
  • Education
  • Science
  • Allows to create movies with animals as characters
  • Used to create interactive training
  • 3D  models of plants
  • 3D  models of parks
  • 3D models of surrounding areas
  • 3D models of relief

(mountains, plains)

  • Navigation maps
  • Architecture
  • Cinema
  • Computer games
  • Education
Enables to:

  • complement the architectural projects, creating the most realistic copy of an existing site
  • create fictional worlds of cinema and games
  • 3D models of computer and mobile gadgets
  • 3D models of home appliances
  • 3D models of watches
  • 3D models of industrial equipment
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Engineering
  • Cinema
  • Computer games
  • allows marketers to reduce the cost of advertising
  • film directors and game developers can immerse the viewers in 3D reality
  • 3D models of motor transport, motorcycles, air transport
  • 3D models of spare parts
  • Aircraft industry
  • Automotive industry
  • Cinema
  • Computer games
  • allows increasing the quality of transport produced
  • precise 3D model of the vehicle enables to test it before production
  • car manufacturers use them for promotional materials
  • 3D model of living quarters
  • 3D model of public buildings
  • 3D models of bridges
  • 3D models of tourist attractions
  • 3D model of a building’s interior
  • Navigation maps
  • Architecture
  • Interior Design
  • Education
  • Cinema
  • Computer games
  • Provides a visual presentation of architectural and design projects
  • Allows to see and evaluate the prospects of the project before construction and calculate the cost of materials
  • 3D models of real people
  • 3D models of fictional characters
  • Cinema
  • Computer games



Owing to 3D models, we met Hulk, Iron Man and Sheriff Woody from Toy Story
  • 3D models of body organs
  • 3D models of body parts
  • 3D models of the human body systems (eg, blood circulatory system)
  • Medicine
  • Science
  • Education
  • Allows to plan the operation of any complexity
  • Enables to replace the  body organ with printed implants
  • 3D models of furniture
  • 3D model of decor
  • Interior Design
  • Marketing
  • Cinema
  • Computer games
  • Enables the customer to “try on” furniture before buying
  • Manufacturers can conduct a market analysis before releasing new furniture items and reduce the costs of production and marketing.

To conclude, 3D models enable us to create an object in 3D and prevent errors during the design process. Without exaggeration, 3D opens up new horizons for all of us. For we can not only create a 3D model but simulate any real situation as well.

The creation of 3D models is now a fast-growing industry. Moreover, there are real 3D stock markets, where you can purchase a 3D model you liked. Furthermore, if you can order any 3D models at specialized companies. Click and learn how to choose 3D modeling services provider wisely – read the expert opinion. Our team of 3D modelers can create any 3D model you wish!

Contact us and increase the efficiency of your business!

We wish you the most rapid development and prosperity with possibilities of 3D!

Catherine Paul
Content Writer, Editor at ArchiCGI

Catherine is a content writer and editor. In her articles, she explains how CGI is transforming the world of architecture and design. Outside of office, she enjoys yoga, travelling, and watching horrors.