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Product design rendering has changed the way new merchandise is introduced to the market. An entirely new way of visualizing ideas that is cheaper than classic means, shows things that don’t exist yet and saves hours of calculations and truckloads of paper for sketches. The furniture models could be morphed, recolored or rendered as if they were made from different materials – something impossible to achieve with hand-drawn sketches or photography. Not just that – the images can present the items from different points of view, at any time of day, with gorgeous volumetric lighting and fitting decor. 3D product rendering is truly a revolution in promotion and merchandise launches.

During last ten years the Internet and 3D rendering have completely changed the way new products are launched. Companies gained a much clearer picture of the market and could receive direct feedback from potential clients. Communication via social media made marketing a product launch super effective and impactful. Now furniture producers have another ally to make their lives easier – an outsource 3D rendering company providing high quality 3D product visualizations.

Thanks to rapid prototyping, product design rendering can help not only during promotional phase of marketing campaigns, but also during product launch itself. For example, in Japan tons of digital prototypes are flooding the market every season, yet only the most successful become actual serial merchandise. Today you’ll learn how to develop and launch new furniture designs with CGI. Follow these tips and guidelines and your marketing campaigns will be a blast every time!

Product Design Rendering: A Revolution In Furniture Launching

#1. Understand The Clients’ Needs

Launching Furniture With Product Design Rendering: Clients' Needs

With CGI you no longer need to produce disposable props to test the market. 3D product design rendering provides you with photorealistic furniture images – use them for promotion, as if the models were already in production. The clientele will decide whether the piece is worth producing or not.

#2. Study The Competitors And Untapped Markets

Launching Furniture With Product Design Rendering: Competition And New Markets

About half of all “innovations” are actually just modified old models of goods. 20% of successful product launches owe their victory to the fact they were introduced to new, previously unexplored markets. Product rendering software allows experimenting with old designs, adding improvements or reworking them entirely. Use this to come up with a perfect piece of furniture and introduce it to the familiar market or take a gamble and try introducing the design to an untapped one.

Showcase your architectural project like a true work of art, brought to life with cutting-edge AI-powered CGI technology.

#3. Create And Test A Cheap 3D Prototype

Launching Furniture With Product Design Rendering: Prototypes

3D printing is said to be the future of manufacturing – it’s cheap and fast, capable of creating complex electronic components and even functional organs. Using a 3D model you got with product design rendering, print it and use the prototype for presentations. If it succeeds, streamline the production. If it doesn’t – rework it. It’s easier to change something in digital environment than on paper, remember? Rinse and repeat until it works.

#4. Produce And Present More Prototype Variations

Launching Furniture With Product Design Rendering: More Prototypes

Don’t stop at just one prototype. One of the benefits of product rendering is that everything is digital, so changes can be applied on the fly. Use product design rendering to create more variations of the original item, switch shapes, colors and materials and present them all! Even if a dozen fails, a few will definitely find a target audience. Your resources will suffer a little at first, but in the end it will pay off greatly – photorealistic product rendering sustainability is unmatched in that regard.

#5. Start Taking Orders And Streamline The Best Design

Launching Furniture With Product Design Rendering: Start Taking Orders

Now that you have photorealistic product visualizations and people willing to buy them, you can start taking orders and filling the warehouses with goods. It’s better to accept orders for things that don’t exist yet than wait for the formal launch with merchandise attracting nothing but dust.

Take your design presentation to a new level with interior rendering

Now, armed with modern technology and tools like 3D printing you can be sure that your product launches will be successful. Start using product design rendering today with our professional 3d rendering services!

Irma Prus
Content Writer, Copywriter

Irma writes articles and marketing copy for ArchiCGI. Her dream is that more people discover the power of CGI for architecture. Irma is into neuromarketing, ruby chocolate and Doctor Who series.