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Product renderings come in two main forms: white background shots or lifestyle images, also known as roomsets. Both are used at roughly the same rate and, in general, can present an object equally good. However, should you opt for ordering a certain type of image from 3D product rendering studios? Today we’ll present the facts that will help you answer these questions.

In order to stay as objective as possible, we’ll present a complete overview of the two most prominent product renderings types and analyze them on several issues: where they are used, how they are used, what are the variations of plain color background and lifestyle pictures and how can they change the way the merchandise is marketed.

White Background Product Renderings

Despite being as old as product marketing itself, white background shots are still ever-present in ads, catalogs, and presentation materials. It is mandatory to provide such images for eCommerce platforms like Amazon. White background photographs and 3D product renderings serve a simple purpose – showing the goods and giving an idea of what they are used for. 3D modeling offers a lot of flexibility to businesses who want to do that since there is no need to produce an actual object, and start the sales campaign early to test the market and target audience.

Take your design presentation to a new level with interior rendering

Lifestyle Product Renderings

If an item is contextualized within a certain setting, it is called a lifestyle image – a great tool for enhancing ads with visual storytelling. This is the reason why companies tend to choose this type of product renderings for marketing, especially when ordering from outsource 3D furniture modeling studios. However, using them for just demonstrating goods would be simply excessive – making one roomset in 3DS Max takes about a day and is more expensive than just creating an item. The main benefit of 3D rendered lifestyles is that they can depict objects in any setting possible without any need for neither a real item nor for a real scene, saving money and effort to be used elsewhere.

Big shopping websites may require white background images, but potential customers may want to see how merchandise can benefit them and this is precisely why a business needs to provide roomsets in addition to item demonstration pictures. This is especially true to furniture product renderings – an armchair, for instance, is lifeless without context. Potential clients increase rating of businesses’ products on eCommerce platforms if they see lifestyle images and such pictures are great ad material.

Showcase your architectural project like a true work of art, brought to life with cutting-edge AI-powered CGI technology.

Overall, white background product renderings and CGI lifestyles can be used very specifically and serve different purposes. In order to achieve maximum efficiency businesses may use both in their marketing campaigns – white background pictures for a demonstration on eCommerce websites and roomsets for more elaborate customer-oriented ads, while catalogs may feature all the options in reasonable proportions.  And if you need to get both types of images fast – we have a great solution for you. Get photorealistic CGI of your goods with our product rendering services – your merchandise will look truly stellar to potential customers!

Irma Prus
Content Writer, Copywriter

Irma writes articles and marketing copy for ArchiCGI. Her dream is that more people discover the power of CGI for architecture. Irma is into neuromarketing, ruby chocolate and Doctor Who series.