• 4 years ago
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Those who practice outsourcing architectural visualization know that submitting a project brief to a CGI studio well in advance is not always an option. An architect’s potential investors can change the presentation date, or some other urgency might take place. In cases like that, an author of an architectural design needs their 3D visuals ready in the shortest time possible.

As a professional outsourcing 3D architectural visualization studio, ArchiCGI knows how important is to meet the set deadlines. From our side, we always do our best to achieve it. However, the best scenario is when our clients also know what they can do from their side to ensure the quickest result of a CGI project. It’s not something time-consuming and complicated – just a few little things. So, our goal for today is to tell our readers how to work with a CGI team to speed up the process without sacrificing quality. Following this simple advice, you can be sure that your CG renders will be done with exceptional quality and timely. Check out our top-6 tips on managing time-pressing projects when outsourcing 3D rendering!

#1. Clearly Mark the Tasks As Urgent

Man’s Hand with a Wristwatch

When outsourcing architectural visualization, it’s vital to properly label urgent tasks from the very beginning. It helps to instantly get things rolling – because a clearly stated urgency establishes priorities for the project managers.

As they organize the workflow of 3D rendering teams, they know that quality 3D architectural visualization created quickly equals several 3D artists working round the clock. Which requires some extra effort. And oftentimes, it means setting aside other ongoing tasks. To make the teamwork effective in such a case, a PM has to know right away that the deadline is burning. This way, the manager can correctly distribute the workload and make sure everyone is doing the right things to achieve the best results in the shortest terms.

#2. Specify If You Need to Review Intermediate Results

Architects Reviewing Intermediate 3D Visualization Results

To streamline the process of outsourcing architectural visualization, clients of CGI studios need to specify if they need to review the intermediate results or the final renders only. This will help save precious time and get the final outcome faster.

Let’s say we are working on an urgent task. And we know that our customer scheduled an online meeting with our 3D visualization team on Wednesday and a presentation with their own client on Friday. If we are aware that our customer wishes to review and comment on drafts first, we’ll prepare to make some corrections after the online meeting. This way, we can plan ahead for possible overtime. Also, we will know that we should show intermediate results before Wednesday so that our customer would have time to review them. This will ensure a smooth architectural visualization workflow.

#3. Set the Deadline As Precisely As Possible

Clocks Showing Time In Different Timezones

Parkinson’s Law says that work lasts for the time available to complete it. So, if you’re outsourcing architectural visualization and have an urgent task where the result must be submitted at a specific time, a clearly stated deadline is a must. And it means not only specifying the day and time but also not forgetting about the difference in time zones.

Showcase your architectural project like a true work of art, brought to life with cutting-edge AI-powered CGI technology.

For example, if our clients are from Japan, this means that they are around 8 hours ahead of us. And when it’s already morning in Tokyo, it’s still evening in our country. In the case of outsourcing time-pressing assignments, ignoring this difference might cause some issues. So, the deadline for such kinds of tasks should be very specific. Sure, you could say that 3D visualization is needed by next Monday. But it’s much better to note that you need the results on Monday, September 14th, at 10 AM in GMT+9 time zone. This will be an automatic guarantee that we will deliver the results on time.

#4. Submit Super-Detailed Briefs for Projects of High Urgency

Compiling a Brief for Outsourcing Architectural Visualization

In the case of outsourcing architectural visualization, an informative brief is always a must. And when time is the priority, the assignment becomes an essential point of reference for the CGI studio team.

That’s because when the results are needed ASAP, there is no time for long discussions. But a highly detailed assignment can successfully replace them. So, we ask our clients to provide a brief with as many details and materials as possible. These can be drawings, floor plans, sketches, SketchUp models, any references, and/or images for the décor, materials, furniture, or atmosphere. We also ask to specify the resolution and the format for the renderings and to provide any additional comments one might think of. This info will help us provide professional architectural rendering services as fast as possible.

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#5. Double-Check All Details of Urgent Assignments

Architect Checking 3D Visualization Project Details

It happens that a client changes particular details of a CGI project in the course of work. When the task is urgent, some of these updates can get lost in the rush. Such a scenario may lead to different unpleasant consequences.

For example, if the one outsourcing architectural visualization forgets to inform the CGI studio about the change of the deadline, it will be more difficult for the team to find ways to speed up the process. Another scenario: there may be a discrepancy in blueprints and models provided by a client. But the mistake surfaces only when the work has already started, meaning there’s a need for a redo.

To avoid such situations, it is necessary to always double-check the data submitted to the outsourcing CGI company – both the deadline and the technical specifications. Customers should make sure that they have provided us with the right and most recent version of the brief. Of course, we will try to do anything it takes to deliver the visuals on time. But we urge our clients to set aside a minute to check whether all the project data is correct. This will ensure that the results will be timely and flawless.

#6. Get In Touch With the Team at Least Once a Day

Realtor Having a Zoom Meeting with His 3D Rendering Team

All issues in the context of outsourcing architectural visualization can be summed up in two words: ineffective communication. It can make the parties involved think that everyone is on the same page. When, in fact, it’s not quite like that. Therefore, timely check-ins are one of the most important aspects of managing urgent 3D rendering tasks. They will keep everyone aligned and focused on reaching a goal on time.

As a rule, we ask our clients to state the time in the day when they are available for a Skype call. We come prepared with a list of questions that help us understand whether our work goes in the right direction. Which is essential for completing the urgent task successfully.

We hope our readers will benefit from implementing this helpful advice into their practice of outsourcing architectural visualization. By following these six simple tips, they will be able to have an urgent CGI task completed in the shortest time possible. Also, our team promises: after doing a few projects together, we’ll get to the point where we understand each other almost without words. Which will help to always get the best results — even if the deadline is burning.

Outsourcing Architectural Visualization: Tips on Urgent Projects

Need a professional and responsible outsourcing team to get the best 3D visualizations? You’re in the right place! Contact us at ArchiCGI for top-class architectural rendering services!

Chris Kostanets
Senior Project Manager, Mentor

Chris manages the work of 2 CGI teams and teaches Middle PMs. She loves Scottish landscapes, Ancient Greek culture, and Plein-air painting. At home, Chris is a caring parent for 3 cute chickens and a magnificent rooster.