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Virtual 3D tours are a top marketing asset for developers and realtors. They work perfectly when still images don’t impress your prospects that much anymore. But it’s definitely not the cheapest option when it comes to real estate promo visuals. So, how can you plan your budget smartly to get those sales-improving interactive CG visuals? By knowing exactly what makes up the price of virtual tours.

As a professional architectural visualization studio, we can help you with that. In this article, we’ll review 5 factors that affect the cost of 3D tours. This way, you’ll know what to expect price-wise when you order one yourself. So, let’s take a look.

#1. Number of Viewpoints

For the most part, the process of creating 3D virtual tours is the same as the regular 3D interior rendering. The only difference is that for regular visualization, CG artists only need to build a part of the room that’s going to be in the frame. While for a tour, they need to create entire rooms in 3D to provide a 360-degree view of each space. Basically, every viewpoint is a separate panoramic render, where the camera is placed in the middle. So, the more rooms you want to show, the more viewpoints you’ll need. And so, the price will increase accordingly.

#2. Design Complexity

The more complex the design, the more time 3D artists will spend recreating every detail of it in 3D. That’s another aspect that strongly affects the price of virtual tours. For instance, a minimalist interior will take much less time to complete, while an eclectic space with lots of different elements will require many hours of scrupulous work.

Above, you can see an example of a CG tour showcasing a sophisticated restaurant design. Just look at all the cutlery and decor perfectly arranged on the tables. Then, there’s the bar with an immaculate selection of spirits. Such meticulous work definitely comes at a price, but the result will be totally worth it.

#3. Custom 3D Modeling

Another thing that can notably increase the cost of interior design visualization here is the need to model certain items from scratch. It is not always necessary though. Usually, most of the CG objects you’ll need for your project can be found in a studio’s library of 3D assets or on external stock platforms.

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But sometimes, you might want to put some rare or custom-designed pieces of furniture or decor in your virtual tours. In this case, your CGI specialist will have to create an entirely new photorealistic 3D model of that piece. And that, in turn, will add up to the price.

#4. Urgency

Developer Starting Urgent 3D Visualization Project

Rushing such a detailed-oriented task as 3D tour making means your team of 3D artists will have to work overtime. If you work with professionals, you’ll get top-quality results even in a time-pressing situation. But the price of virtual tours in such cases will be higher than usual. So, if possible, it’s always reasonable to make an order in advance.

#5. Amount of Corrections

Real Estate Professional Revising Panoramic 3D Renders

Normally, you have 1-3 revision rounds in a CGI project. Depending on the studio’s policy, up to 60% of corrections in total can be included in the original price. Everything beyond that will cost extra. Plus, last-moment changes requested after the final panoramic renderings have been submitted will increase the cost of virtual tours as well. So, you should always have a solid vision regarding the results before you start a project.

Want to learn how much your project costs? See how we evaluate 3D rendering projects

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ArchiCGI High-End 3D Rendering Services Price List

Now you know everything you need to plan your budget for CG promo visuals smartly. As you can see, there aren’t that many factors affecting the price of virtual tours. We hope that this information will help you in your next 3D visualization project. And that you’ll get amazing visual assets that will help you win your prospects’ hearts and minds.

Looking for a studio to get top-notch 3D virtual tours and sell real estate faster? Contact us at ArchiCGI and we’ll deliver super realistic CG tours within the shortest time possible!

Daryna Romaniv
Senior Client Manager

Daryna is a Senior client manager at ArchiCGI. She can guide you through our workflow and quickly resolve any issue along the way. In her spare time, Daryna enjoys cooking, reading fantasy books, and watching “Friends”. She also loves traveling, especially to sunny Italy.